Looking up

Dogs depend on us, that’s a fact. Unlike most cats who are pretty much self-efficient (funny how we call a friendly clingy cat dog-like), dogs need us for everything. They need us to feed them, clean them, train them, walk them, play with them, care for them, love them. And when we’re talking about rescued dogs, depending on their background, it all takes another dimension. They need us even more. We become their everything, they look up to us once trust is established. Sometimes a little too much, but can we really blame them? After all, they once have been neglected, mistreated and abandoned, so as soon as they get a taste of that bond of love and safety, they understandably crave for it.

While walking in the streets, they look up for reassurance. When someone else gives them attention, they scrutinize our reaction for approval. When they play and get the zoomies, they suddenly stop, realizing they let themsleves go for a bit, and look at our smiling face relieved, phew, that’s ok. When we’re out of sight, they freak out and have a hard time coping alone. When they eat, they again make sure we’re close to watch that nobody steals their bowl. And when they spot a poop and feel the sudden urge to gobble this delightful treat, they quickly gaze to check, um, if we’re still looking. Dang, we are! Yes, we’re always checking up on them, just like a good mama checks out her kids to make sure they are safe, healthy and happy, all the while letting them that piece of freedom they need to be themselves. You don’t want to smother them, but still provide a doting shelter. And to those who once were homeless and unloved, this is huge.

In my opinion, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a broken dog blossom. To witness the first smile of a senior dog, feel the first kiss of a scared pup, see the first stretch of an insecure wacko, to watch a toothless cutie trying to gnaw on a chew toy. All these signs of major improvement bring joy to our hearts and make us feel good, because we gave them a life back. I guess that’s why when you fall into rescue, there is no turning back. For sure it’s not an easy road, but the ride is so worth it and might change you for the better.

If you haven’t yet, jump on the bandwagon, our blog is there to help! And if you have already, please send us a message and share your story!