Natural supplements we swear only by!
I’ve always looked at natural approaches for my dogs’ disorders. When I first rescued Elliot with Demodectic mange, I didn’t want to give him the aggressive treatment most vets prescribed, consisting of benozyl peroxide shampoos and toxic oral medication. I wanted to treat the issue from the source, which was a weak immune system. So I did just that, boost his natural defenses with vitamins and minerals to get rid of that Demodex canis mite, together with a quite smelly but very effective natual oil, Neem oil!
Sardines are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
What we always have in our pantry: turmeric (curcuma), hemp seeds, apple cider vinegar, safflower oil, walnut oil amongst others.
Even in Manhattan, you can grow your own plants! This is basilic, for us and the dogs.
Later with so many sick and senior dogs while running the organization, I tried tried to replace meds by natural supplements or at least, try to avoid to side effects of the meds and support their health with homeopathy and herbal supplements. It worked wonders for many and definitely gave them several bonus months to live. We were able to lower doses of insulin for Tania, our diabetic dog, stop the hypothyroidic treatment for Arnold, and so many others. The key was a proper diet (homemade food) and the appropriate supplements designed for their issues. But there were natural remedies that worked wonders on all of them, so here are a few that I still use today!
turmeric (curcuma). This is almost my magical wand, that I use for many many issues! It is anti-inflammatory and a natural pain reliever. Curcuma is said to outperform Ibuprofen (works for humans as well, especially if you suffer from arthritis. Of course, NEVER give any kind of human aspirin to dogs, it’s toxic)! It is just as effective as steroids, just without the side-effects! It fights diseases like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, allergies, kidney, dental, liver or heart diseases, gastrointestinal issues and more. I have always used it on our dogs with skin allergies, joint pains, mild infections and overall bad health, avoiding meds as much as possible, and it’s always proven its amazing properties. Always add a hint of black pepper (for a better absorption) and some water to make a gooey paste. I don’t add any coconut oil like so many advise, because I’m not fond of it (too high in saturated fat, it can cause inflammation and leaky gut).
ginger is another wonderful anti-inflammatory that helps reduce arthritis pain. Good for stomach upsets, helps regulate the blood-sugar levels, improves congitive functions (great for seniors) and is said to prevent the growth of cancerous tumors.
garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, antioxidant, expectorant, anti-cancer, anti-tumor and has tonic qualities. It boosts the immune system, can lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots, detoxifies the liver and supports the digestive tract. Nope, given in small amounts it is not toxic for our doggies. I also use it as a natural dewormer and flea/tick repellant!
omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA & DHA) is another powerful supplement that is good for mobility and circulation, promotes a healthy skin & coat, gives energy by boosting the immune system, is a great anti-inflammatory and dogs usually love the taste! It helps dogs with heart, kidney or liver issues, arthritis, cataract, skin issues, senility, diabetes and cancer. It also reduces anxiety and slows the ageing process. Omega-3 fats can be found in fishes like sardines, anchovies, mackerel or pink salmon and organ meats. You can also opt for salmon oil, but look for one of high quality. Omega-3 can be found in phytoplankton, geen-lipped mussels (perfect for joint pain). Hemp seed oil and flaxseed oil are also good options, although plant oils should not replace fish oils. A lack of omega-3 impacts the immune system.
omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid, aka LA). Although there is often enough of those in their diet (mainly found in red meat), I felt it was important to talk about these since you need a good balance between the omega 3 & 6. Too much omega-6 can trigger inflammation and allergies, so you need a good ratio of omega-3 to lower the risks (which works as an anti-inflammatory). Yet, omega-6 fatty acids are also vital since they regulate metabolism, are good for the skin, bone and muscle health and a lack of it can cause skin issues, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, as well as liver or kidney disease. Tricky! They are found in poultry, meat, egg yolks, safflower oil, sunflower oil and also canola oil (higher in omega-6 than 3).
apple cider vinegar, when added to food, helps the body assimilate the nutrients like calcium and minerals. It fights germs (antiseptic) and promotes a healthy digestion. It also prevents UTIs, bladder stones. Also a first-aid treatment when applied topically for burns, insect bites, muscle pains and itches caused by yeast (paws or ears for instance). It also repells fleas.
spirulina is full of nutrients and protein. It not only strenghtens the immune system, it also detoxifies the body, helps with allergies and digestion, and reduces the risk of cancer.
kelp is a great source of iodine. Full of friendly bacteria you don’t find in yogurt for instance, it has plenty of vitamins, minerals and probiotics. It helps with stomach issues, gastritis, pancreatitis, joint problems, skin allergies, anemia and is also said to reduce the risk of cancer. Please note that too much iodine can suppress the thyroid.
propolis works as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. It has significant anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties and thus prevents many diseases.
bone broth (nothing better than to make it yourself!) is of course good for joints since it’s full of glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. It is also full of minerals. It detoxes the liver, promotes a healthy gut, aids digestion and boosts the immune system.
herbs contain flavonoids that have antioxidant properties. Given in small quantities, they have wonderful powers:
sage is a strong anti-microbial (fights gingivitis) and anti-fungal (ringworms). Eases bloating and gas. Supports blood sugar regulation. Great for the brain function and reduces anxiety.
thyme (calcium, manganese, vitamin A, C & K (which strengthens the bones), iron) is anti-bacterial and helps digestion. Supports the skin, a good gastrointestinal health and brain function. It contains Thymol which is a natural antispetic (great to fight gingivitis). Also works as expectorant (coughs) and is antispasmodic.
oregano (calcium, iron, manganese, vitamins A, C & K, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids) relieves stomach upset (diarrhea, gas) and muscle pain. Relieves inflammation due to arthritis, detoxes the body and also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. A immune system supporter as well, it is said to aid upper respiratory diseases.
basil (calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, vitmains A, B6, C, E & K) has also anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It can soothe arthritis (reduces inflammation), as well as anxiety. Protects the liver.
parsley (plenty of minerals and vitamins A, B9 (folate) C, & K, iron, high in fiber and protein) freshens breath, aids digestion, is also anti-bacterial, a great detox, helps with UTIs and incontinence. Note that “spring parsley” is toxic because of its high levels of furanocoumerin.
peppermint soothes stomach upsets and can help with car sickness. Avoid of the Pennyroyal since it’s toxic. It is said to have radio-protective effects, reducing sickness and mortality on dogs undergoing chemotherapy.
coriander (cilantro) (iron, manganese, postassium and vitamins A, C, & K) is great for dental health since it inhibits the growth of bacteria. It improves calcium absorption, supports the gut, skin, vision and helps detoxify the body. Is also said to prevent cancer.
rosemary is good for heart function and the nervous system, but is not recommended for dogs subject to epileptic seizures. It is said to improve the dog’s memory. Soothes anxiety. Has also great anti-microbial properties.