WHy seniors & special needs?
I dont’ really know why I am so drawn to cats and dogs that are different. The unwanted, the sick, the old, the disabled, the weirdo, they’re the ones that pull on my heartstrings. Maybe because there is an irrepressible nursing instinct in me, or because I can’t stand injustice and the abuse of the innocent in general, the irresponsibility of many people toward their pet, or also because these one-of-a-kind furry beings give me a sense of purpose. Giving them another chance when others neglected, abused or abandoned them, is the best feeling there is. And especially the ones that need a little extra care, who depend on you even more. Maybe I like to feel special, because the love and trust they give you in return in truly extraordinary. Or also because I like things to be complicated, spice up my life… No matter the explanation, this is now the fuel I need to be happy and, believe it or not, balanced.
An armful of broken dogs: Baboosh, Schnouf & Gutz.
Muffin & Maggie, members of the hanging tongues club!
Raymond, the mysterious dinosaur.
Quizno, disabled and incontinent.
Rescuing dogs with issues is not a piece of cake, that’s for sure. I got peed and pooped on, growled at, bitten, spent nights worrying for a very sick dog, days struggling with a traumatized one to find the right rehabilitating approach, kept asking myself if this is the appropriate medication, supplement, diet, overall care for their health problems, cried because I came too late or was worn out after enduring too many deaths in a row. I made mistakes, reassessed and tried again. But it was so worthwhile, because I also worked wonders and received priceless signs of gratitude like kisses, gleaming stares, a scared pup coming for a pet, a senior smiling, a sick one showing relief, a nutcase finding peace. I know for many of those to whom we lent a paw, hadn’t we been there, they would have been dead. And that idea just gives me the creeps. Just like knowing there are so many who don’t have the chance of having someone looking beyond their issues or differences. Or someone who genuinely cares for them, and not just because saying you rescued is hip and end up thowing in the towel once it becomes more challenging than anticipated. Many people won’t get why others can make sacrifices for their pets, spend so much money for their well-being, give them so much love, but you know what, never mind, it’s what you do for them that matters most and what you believe is right. Your four-legged kid knows and is appreciative. Just make sure you think about yourself too and don’t get stuck in a quicksand. I know I pushed my limits a little far and even if I owned up to it and resurfaced, this whole adventure left imprinted scars. Even if life is far from being a bed of roses, mine was sprinkled with a little too many thorns…